Brazil and Argentina join forces to “export knowledge” in the technology sector

March 10, 2023

Brazil and Argentina have signed important agreements on Technology and Science following the last bilateral meeting held by their respective presidents. It took place at the Casa Rosada on January 23, 2023 and other issues such as Health, Defense and Economy were discussed.

This was the match between Brazil and Argentina

The meeting between Alberto Fernández and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva encouraged the integration and technology transfer of both powers. Karina Pombo, National Director for the Promotion of Scientific Policy of the Argentine Ministry of Science, pointed out as her objectives the export of knowledge and the ability to provide added value in the field of research and industrial technology.

The heads of the Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentina and Brazil (Daniel Filmus and Luciana Barbosa respectively) took advantage of the visit of the Brazilian president to relaunch the Brazilian-Argentine Binational Program in Science, Technology and Innovation.

What is intended with this Program is to leave behind the image that these countries have as mere suppliers of raw materials. In fact, the agreements reached aspire to change the productive matrix to emphasize human resources that Argentina can provide; The Raices Program, which brings together more than 6,000 scientists, is a good example of this.

These were some of the agreements reached by the two powers

Industrial Biotechnology

It is interesting to point out that Industrial Biotechnology was one of the main axes of these agreements. In particular, reference was made to the application of this technology by technology companies to promote new knowledge and enhance productivity. A clear example of such synergies was when the productive, scientific, and technological sectors coordinated quickly to develop the coronavirus vaccine and tests.

It is fair to recognize that relaunching this Program has been possible thanks to the joint effort of the Brazilian and Argentine technical teams even during the Bolsonaro administration. The commitment of each other has made possible the signing of the Program and Memorandum of Understanding on Scientific Cooperation in Ocean Science. Said agreement will be maintained for 5 years, after which it will be automatically renewed.

Latin American Center for Biotechnology (Cabbio)

The Latin American Center for Biotechnology has spent three decades dedicated to training and funding of researchers.The agreements adopted intend that it begin to carry out work in the field of Industrial Biotechnology together with the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) of Argentina.

Cabbio carries out its activity with institutions and universities in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. However, it is expected to expand to Paraguay, Peru and Colombia in the coming months.

It should be noted that each area of ​​Cabbio has a budget item dedicated to implementing the Program.

Space sciences

Both Ibero-American countries agreed to cooperate in various ways in the field of space sciences. Not in vain, Argentina offers Brazil its services of development and satellite images and the launch of satellites between both countries.

One of the most interesting aspects of these agreements was the idea of establishing a satellite launch base in the south so as not to depend on US bases. This matter is in the hands of the National Commission for Space Affairs (Conae). What’s more, the two powers are working to carry out the launch of a regional meteorological satellite.

Other scientific agreements adopted at this meeting

  • Boost the resources from the sea and ocean thanks to research with the Program Pampa Azul. In particular, it seeks to make Argentina a benchmark for world ocean research.
  • Expand the fields of research developed by the Brazilian Argentine Center for Nanotechnology (CABN). Particularly, in terms of artificial intelligence and data science.
  • Development of joint emissions in the Antarctic bases.

Promote research related to the biodiversity that takes place in the Gran Chaco/Amazon region. It is also intended to strengthen the pact of theAtlantic Forest subscribed by Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.

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